Friday, June 4, 2010

There's No Place Like Home...

Although my address states that I live in Helena, a part of me will always consider my parent's house "home". Our first outing for the summer was spent at my parent's house. Summer time is the best time to visit!
Here are a few of our favorite things:
Parker's favorite things:
* Papa's tractor
* Papa's four-wheeler
* The Pool!! (He is our little water bug! He can now walk across the shallow end. My baby is getting so big!!)

Conner's favorite things:
* Phoebe (my mom's dog)
* Outside- He was a little hesitant of the pool, but found ways to keep himself entertained...

Parker and Conner's Other Favorite Thing:
* G'Mama and Grandad's house!!
* G'Mama's pop-tarts!
* Grandad's boat :)

Carson's favorite things:
* The attention from grandparents!
* The swing that overlooks the pool!

My favorite things:
* Good quality time with the people I love!!


  1. Carson is starting to look like a big boy! Glad you are enjoying summer with the boys!

  2. I love that you still love to come home. and I'm so glad that the boys love it too. what a wonderful family I'AM BLESSED WITH.
    The pictures are great. Carson looks like Conner in this picture.
    Theres no place like HOME!!!!!
